Not saying that couldn't still happen though, people make stupid decisions all the time. some kind of runtime DRM check that Oculus own hardware is present) but given that they have publicly stated that they do not want a closed platform, that would be a PR disaster and probably hurt them more than it would gain them. There is of course the possibility that Oculus will start intentionally blocking this (e.g. no proper support for room scale VR), but a very worthwhile low hanging fruit. Of course it would not be as good as native Vive support (e.g. So XStoryPlayer developers would need to enable this, but (at least in theory) that should be very easy to do - definitely much easier than adding native Vive support. This is trivial for the developer, but less easy for others. this Ars Technica article, each game (XStoryPlayer in this case) needs to be patched because Oculus has included a code signing check on the runtime DLLs, so to load the librevr replacement DLLs instead you need to patch the application. My laptop is no beast, but i have no issues running this game on it.Not sure if librevr will work with XstoryPlayer, couldn't figure it out anyway.Īccording to e.g. This is mine, yours should look fairly similar. » XStoryPlayer 2. Also copy and paste your trace file so we can better understand the hardware your using and the version of XSP your running Most of the mods here have been updated for 3.5, If you can specify which version of which mod exactly your having issues with we may be able to help you. Either that or your installing the wrong version of a mod or doing it the wrong way. I'm guessing your computer may not be able to handle it. Finally there is also an overview of the script. All in all XStoryPlayer 3.5 is a good game which is worth taking a further look at there is also a free demo so that you can see if you like it before you buy it. For more advanced modders the section ' Advanced modding ' will give you hands on advice on how to do special things like adding animation, making a characters brain, NLP etc. By default the display settings are set to "ULTRA" you need to turn that down a bit. It will allow you to follow a few tutorials to give you a basic insight of how modding with XStoryPlayer can be done.

This line should be in the trace if it isn't then you need to uninstall and re download version 3. Look at your trace file, If memory serves me correct the patch brought us to version, this version is

You don't need the patch, the version of xsp3 is already up to date.